What is love ???? Ok im not talking about the love which u get from ur dad mum brothers sisters ...family or friends ... Im talking about that love ....which u get from ..."The special one" ! This Love is something ...u feel deep within your heart ... Something that drugs u into our veins that's it just becomes impossible to live without them .. A feeling of belongingness....togetherness ...well it gives a taste of all kinds of emotions joy grief anger fear a mixed bag you see . There are those days when u feel like u are at the top of the world being loved cared cajoled in the arms ... Being the apple of someone's eyes ...but then there are those days ... When its like a cloudy gloomy day ... Bereft of sunshine .May be a fight umm or one of the twos mood is just a lil off ... A spat with some other friend and the result Is poured onto the significant other ...and ...that makes it a bit gloomy ...well its all a part of the package ;) . In the journey of lif...